The delay time of the false target within pulse is equal to compressed target, which will be expounded detailedly. 首先通过理论分析,指出脉压叠加间距与压缩后目标信号是相等的时间关系。
To netted radar system, its useless to jam a single radar in the radar network by using false target. 雷达组网技术的应用,使得对单部雷达的欺骗干扰很容易被雷达网所识别。
Experimental results show the good qualities of the algorithm, such as fast speed, high rate of recognition, and low rate of false target. 实验证明,该方法对于中分辨率的桥梁目标识别具有识别率高、虚警率低、时间开销较小的特点。
Test results show that the technique can be used to generate false target with flight path signature to netted radar system, thus is effective. 试验结果表明:采用本技术可对组网雷达产生空间相关的假目标航迹。
It has the functions of synchronization pulling off jamming, smart noise jamming and false target jamming, it also can jam Pulse Doppler radar effectively. 它可以实现同步拖引干扰、灵巧噪声干扰和假目标干扰的功能,能够有效的干扰脉冲多普勒雷达。
Search problem in the presence of false target 出现伪靶时的搜索问题
Since the false target jamming will cause D/ A converter overflowing, the thesis also studies the influence to false target jamming profile by D/ A quantizing and amplitude limiting. 由于假目标的叠加会引起D/A量化位数的溢出,因而本文还通过具体的仿真实验,研究了量化和限幅对假目标干扰像的影响;
Make use of the laser-generated cavitation noise to generate false target based on this property, which is simulation of the cavitation noise generated by submarine propeller. 针对这一特征,考虑利用激光光源在远处水下产生空化噪声作为假目标,用来模拟潜艇螺旋桨产生的空化噪声。
The soft destructive environment is formed aiming at the radar technical performance characteristic, which include the jamming of noise, false target and metal chaff. 针对雷达的技术性能特点形成了对雷达的软杀伤对抗环境,包括噪声干扰、假目标干扰和金属箔条干扰。
A Technique for Generating the Radars False Target with Signature of Flight Path 一种具有航迹特征的雷达假目标产生技术
Design of False Target Deception Jammer Against PD Radar Cheating 一种对抗PD雷达的假目标欺骗干扰机设计
An error approach algorithm for multiple vehicle target detection is suggested and its usefulness in eliminating the false target is confirmed by computer simulation. 该文还提出了一种用于多个车辆目标检测的逐次逼近算法,仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效地去除虚假目标。
Finally, distinguishes the false target from real target using the D-S evidence theory based on multiple features, and sends the recognition result to the target detection output of the whole system. 最后采用D-S证据理论对各候选目标区进行基于多特征的目标融合识别处理,并将识别结果作为整个系统最终的目标检测输出。实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。
A Study on Effectiveness Evaluation of Multiple False Target Jamming 多假目标干扰效果评估研究
This paper introduced the feasibility, advantage and the existing problems of the application of IR heating for the IR simulation of the false target. 本文介绍了红外加热技术在军用假目标红外模拟中应用的可行性、优点及存在问题,并对现在采用的红外模拟方法进行了简单讨论。
At last, a detailed comparison between rebound jamming and false target jamming is made. 最后还将弹射式干扰与虚假图像干扰进行了比较。
The Key Techniques and Applications of Infrared False Target 红外假目标关键技术及其应用
In this thesis, two methods of active deception jamming to SAR, false target jamming and rebound jamming, are mainly studied. Active deception-jamming algorithm against SAR based on convolutional modulation 本文主要研究了两种对合成孔径雷达的有源欺骗干扰-虚假图像干扰和弹射式干扰。基于卷积调制的SAR有源欺骗干扰方法研究
This paper introduces a technique used for deceiving the radars which generates false target with signature of flight path, and gives its operational principle and implementation in detail. 为此,本文介绍了一种具有航迹特征的雷达假目标的产生技术,详细分析了其工作原理,给出了实现算法。
Chapter 4 proposes two false target jamming detection schemes by dual-aperture antenna along-track and cross-track interferometric SAR, which are based on moving target detection technique and spatial cancellation algorithm. 第四章将动目标检测技术和空域对消技术引入到对干扰目标的检测中,提出了沿航迹和跨航迹双天线干涉对消检测虚假图像欺骗干扰的方法。
The fraudulent jamming model is established according to the laser energy distribution on the detector of seeker, which is formed by the true target and the false target. 欺骗式干扰仿真模型由真假目标在导引头探测器上形成的激光弥散斑的能量建立。
Novel Scheme for False Target in Water Generated by Laser-generated Cavitation 激光空化产生水下假目标的新方案
The Procesing of False Target Plots in Radar Data Processing 雷达数据处理中非真实目标点迹的处理
The results of this investigation provide the design rules and key materials for the application of PCMs to false target. 研究结果为相变材料应用于假目标提供了理论依据和关键材料。
The theory of multiple false target jamming is introduced firstly. 首先介绍了多假目标干扰原理并对其建模。
This algorithm increased the recognition rate, decreased the rate of false target, and showed robustness in several conditions, while the time cost and algorithm complexity are not increased evidently. 该方法在不明显提高算法复杂度和时间开销的前提下,提高了识别率,降低了虚警率,并具有一定的算法鲁棒性。
In order to achieve an effective deception, designing corresponding echo signal according to false target is the key point. 为了达到有效的欺骗干扰效果,根据虚假目标设计对应的回波信号就成了仿真的关键。
The objective of false target is to destroy the function of target detection and consume radar resource. 欺骗干扰在雷达接收端产生的假目标将破坏雷达目标探测功能和消耗雷达资源。
Then, this chapter expounds the theory of the multiple false target jamming countermeasures ability. 然后对雷达组网抗多假目标干扰原理进行了阐述。
With combination of characteristics of original image and filtered image, it is better able to remove the false target compared other segmentation algorithms. Next, maintenance and update the data connection of sequential images via kalman filter. 将滤波后的图与原图像的特征相结合,与其他分割算法相比,能更好地去除虚假目标。